Saturday, October 29, 2016


   My life has been a bit crazy lately:

  • Fall finally showed up around here last week; 
  • I'm still working at my part-time retail job, but in a few weeks I'll start training for my new supervisor position;
  • I have been experimenting more with gluten free/lactose free cooking; 
  • I have a few ideas to work on for things to post on this blog, but I've been focusing more on my Write Michigan short story entry;
  • I am also now part of a small group for single, twenty-somethings from my church; 
  • And last Tuesday, I finally worked up the nerve to try something new with my hair (I'll post pics in the next week or so). 
The only things keeping me sane are the small snippets of time I get to write (and read).

Recent book purchases

   I'm trying to make writing more of a priority. I love it, but it takes a lot more brain power than, say, binge watching a series on Netflix or watching old British spy movies. It just seems harder to find uninterrupted time where I can just focus. Even as I write this, I have a specific time that I need to stop so I can run errands and get back to "real" life. Which is how it has been all week. I got to spend 45 minutes on my Write Michigan entry on Monday, then a half an hour on Wednesday, and I will hopefully have time to work on it at some point this weekend.
   Please don't think I've fallen off the face of the earth. I'm trying to be more consistent with my posts. Thanks for reading!

P.S. It only just occurred to me that not everyone knows what Write Michigan is. It's an annual short story contest open to Michigan residents. Submissions are due on November 30th. I've known about the contest for about two years, but this is the first time I will actually be entering. I tried last year, but I found it hard to write a short story. Nothing really worked, so I didn't enter. This year I've got a story and hopefully will finish it before the deadline. I'll keep you posted!

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